Catalyst for CatsCatalyst for Cats, Inc.

Trap-Neuter-Return Program

The Catalyst for Cats TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) program is a promising alternative for solving the overpopulation problem of the feral cat colonies within Santa Barbara County. TNRs are gaining popularity nationally and internationally because of their proven effectiveness in limiting wanton breeding.

In the Catalyst TNR program, cats are humanely trapped, spayed and neutered, vaccinated, treated for fleas, and one ear is “tipped” for identification purposes. Testing for feline diseases is done selectively. After surgery and recuperation, the cats are returned to their original colony under supervision of caregivers.

Rescued kittens go into a foster program where they are socialized, sterilized and placed into loving homes. The resulting colony is healthier and friendlier, and yowling, aggressiveness, and spraying problems are virtually eliminated. Most importantly, the vicious breeding cycle in these colonies is broken!

We welcome you to join our ranks as a volunteer.






Suggested Reading

TNR Program

Ongoing Needs
